

Hello friend and thank you for visiting! Whether you came over from my blog or stumbled here accidentally, just know that you are always welcome. The photography is my humble, amateur own and remains a work of love in progress.  I spend a lot of time on my other site, but will be doing some construction work here, too. I’ve recently added poetry and want to integrate a bit more substance in the weeks to come.  Look for the classics first (Robert Frost, D.H. Lawrence) and stayed tuned for original work from my favorite new writers…maybe, if I get brave enough, you’ll see some of my own.

I  would love to hear  your suggestions, comments and inspiration. For now, I’m publishing on weekends only, but am always open to spontaneous shutterbug tendencies.

Thanks again for stopping and see you soon!



    • Thank you! Photography makes me happy. Can’t wait till I get a fancy camera. Speaking of photos…your Gravatar is stunning!! I can’t capture eyes like your photo captures. Love it!

      • I was using a cell phone until a month ago. An actual camera totally makes a difference. You’ll be happy when you get one. And thanks about the Gravatar.

  1. Good to know! Most of my photos are with a cell phone even though I have a decent DSLR. The camera is a little older and auto only…still looking for more 🙂 I just use it when I need the long lens and improvise with the phone and fancy edits otherwise.
    I’m eager to pop over and spend more time on your page, too. Love the theme! All of my favorite things! So nice to have a new friend, too 🙂

  2. I am an complete fan of your photos, they’re stunning!

    • Thank you, friend! Photography makes me happy. Have always been frustrated that I had no drawing or artistic talents. Hiding behind a camera is the next best thing. I appreciate you stopping by.
      Now I’m ready to go snuggle in and read your page 🙂
      Hope you had a great week!!
      xo, Michelle

      • Photography is an artistic talent, and you definitely have that! It’s setting a scene with a click instead of a brush or telling a story (or writing a poem) using a lens as your pen. 🙂

        Your pictures talk and I love, love, love when I can hear a picture when I look at it (that always sounds so odd when I “say” it out loud but, still! lol)

        Enjoy your weekend! xo

  3. this is a lovely place. i’m so glad i found my way here today. tony

  4. You’ve got two blogs! They’re both gorgeous and wonderful. I am never going to get anything done, now . . . I need a clone. 🙂

    • Oh Mary! You absolutely made my day. I must be crazy to have two blogs…I barely keep up with one 🙂
      Speaking of wonderful. I was reading through some of your old posts a couple of days ago (looking for inspiration). Reading your words and looking at your photos is like grabbing a blanket, a quiet corner and a cup of tea. Pure comfort! My favorite passage (so far!) was the tribute you wrote about your brother. I loved his photo, too.
      You must be a beacon of light to many people. Thank you for stopping my little space(s).

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